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USA Scientific 八聯(lián)排PCR管代理

簡(jiǎn)要描述:USA Scientific 八聯(lián)排PCR管代理 ,0.2 ml TempAssure PCR 8-tube flex-free strips with individually attached, optically clear flat caps, natural. 120 strips of tubes with caps per pack.

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:型號齊全
  • 廠(chǎng)商性質(zhì):代理商
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-03-01
  • 訪(fǎng)  問(wèn)  量:3482

USA Scientific 八聯(lián)排PCR管代理——USA Scientific 0.2 ml PCR 8-tube FLEX-FREE strip, attached clear flat caps, natural0.2 ml 八聯(lián)排PCR管USA Scientific

Flex-free strips are reinforced to resist bending while handling. Individually attached flat caps are optically clear for use in real time procedures, are easy to handle, and help avoid cross-contamination. Polypropylene thin wall tubes provide rapid, even heat transfer for reliable amplifications. Manufactured in clean room conditions and certified free of detectable levels of DNase, RNase, DNA, and PCR inhibitors. Tested pyrogen-free and non-autofluorescent. Made in the USA.

Natural color. Each pack contains 10 individual bags of 12 strips for a total of 120 strips (960 tubes and caps).
USA Scientific 八聯(lián)排PCR管代理

For maximum protection against cross-contamination, see our TipOne® filter tips

1402-47000.2 ml PCR 8-tube FLEX-FREE strip, attached clear flat caps, naturalusa scientific120 strips of tubes with caps per pack 
1402-47000.2 ml PCR 8-tube FLEX-FREE strip, attached clear flat caps, naturalusascientific 
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1402-47000.2 ml PCR 8-tube FLEX-FREE strip, attached clear flat caps, naturalusa scientific120 strips of tubes with caps per pack 
1402-47000.2 ml PCR 8-tube FLEX-FREE strip, attached clear flat caps, naturalusa scientific120 strips of tubes with caps per pack 

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